Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why I am doing this

Look, I'm not out to rant and rave, most of the time.

I'm here for two reasons and two reasons only. I find that more then a few people don't understand the why, the how, or the need to treat food service personell like actual human beings.

Well, do you remember that line in Fight Club? "We are the people who park your cars, the people who cook you food, the people who protect you while you sleep, do NOT fuck with us"


I'm not saying IM going to go spitting in people's food or pissing in the chowder, I like my job after all, But there's no stopping the next guy from doing it honey.

People wonder why servers are an embittered and angry lot. If you had to deal with all that shit AND only get payed by your employer $2.00 and change, then get stiffed or given 2.13 on a $40.oo dollar check? You'd be bitter too.

So, why don't I get an education and get a better job? I DO have an education thanks, working on my Master's currently.

I like this job, I like watching people live, the infinet variety of human life intrigues me.

To quote my Gran, someone who was in the biz for a long time "I've seen it all sugar, and people still suprise me."

I'm going to remain under a psudo-name, and try not to share much of my personal life beacuse this is about the job, a day in the life kind of thing.

Just to keep it in mind though, Im a 26 year old waitress in a pizza joint come from a long like of educated and amazeing servers.

But for now time to go sling pizzas.

With a side order of "Thanks and see you agian",


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